
Choose a plan that's right for your business

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Pick Up
Your Plan

  • Max Employees
  • Max Deals
  • Max Items
  • Roles & Permission
  • Report
  • POS
  • Employee Leave
  • Employee Schedule
  • Google Calendar


Billed Monthly

  • 5 Members
  • 2
  • 10
  • 3
Corporate Company


Billed Monthly

  • 500 Members
  • 2500
  • 500
  • 100

Pick Up
Your Plan

  • Max Employees
  • Max Deals
  • Max Items
  • Roles & Permission
  • Report
  • POS
  • Employee Leave
  • Employee Schedule


Billed Yearly

  • 5 Members
  • 2
  • 10
  • 3
Corporate Company


Billed Yearly

  • 500 Members
  • 2500
  • 500
  • 100

Frequently Asked Questions

# What is appointmentletter.com?

appointmentletter.com is a platform provided by VISA Submission GmbH, offering advanced features for efficient appointment management.

# What functionalities does appointmentletter.com offer for file sharing?

In addition to appointment management, appointmentletter.com provides file-sharing capabilities, including document sharing, photo editing, and sharing files via URL.

# How does file sharing work on appointmentletter.com?

Users can upload, share, and edit documents and photos directly on the platform. Files can also be shared with others through a URL.

# Can I manage appointments and share files in one platform?

Yes, appointmentletter.com integrates appointment management with file-sharing functionalities in a single platform.

# Is appointmentletter.com suitable for all types of businesses?

Yes, the platform is designed to cater to a variety of businesses, including Freelancers, Entrepreneurs, Lawyers, Translators, Tutors, Individual, Corporate Companies, clinics, and service-oriented establishments.

# How does the seamless integration with Google Calendar benefit my business?

The integration allows for synchronized scheduling and enhanced collaboration, ensuring efficient appointment management.

# Can I customize appointmentletter.com to suit my business needs?

Yes, the platform is designed for flexibility, allowing businesses to customize it based on their specific requirements.

# What are the key features of appointmentletter.com's file-sharing functionalities?

The platform offers document sharing, photo editing, and the ability to share files via URL.

# How secure is file sharing on appointmentletter.com?

The platform employs industry-standard security measures to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of shared files.

# Are there any limitations on file size for sharing on appointmentletter.com?

Please refer to the platform's documentation for specific details on file size limitations.

# Can I use appointmentletter.com for multiple locations of my business?

Yes, the platform is designed to support businesses with multiple locations.

# How can I track and manage employee leave using appointmentletter.com?

The platform includes an Employee Leave Management feature, providing a streamlined process for tracking and managing leave requests.

# Can I edit photos directly on appointmentletter.com?

Yes, the platform includes photo editing functionalities, allowing users to edit images directly within the system.

# Is there a mobile app for appointmentletter.com?

Currently, there is no mobile app, but the platform is designed to be accessible and responsive on mobile devices.

# How does the subscription system work on appointmentletter.com?

Users can choose from monthly or annual subscription plans based on their business needs, providing flexibility and cost-effectiveness.

# Can I upgrade my subscription plan if my business grows?

Yes, users have the option to upgrade their subscription plans to accommodate the growing needs of their business.

# What payment methods are accepted for subscription fees?

appointmentletter.com accepts various payment methods, including credit cards and other secure payment options.

# How is customer support provided for appointmentletter.com?

Users can reach out to our customer support team for assistance with any queries or issues they may encounter.

# What happens if I exceed the limits of my subscription plan?

Users can consider upgrading their subscription plan to accommodate increased usage.

# Can I customize the appointment scheduling process on appointmentletter.com?

Yes, the platform allows businesses to customize the appointment scheduling process to align with their specific workflows.

# How is my data protected on appointmentletter.com?

The platform prioritizes data security and employs industry-standard measures to protect user information.

# What types of reports are available on appointmentletter.com?

Users can generate detailed reports on various aspects of their business performance, providing valuable insights.

# Can I integrate appointmentletter.com with other tools my business uses?

The platform currently supports seamless integration with Google Calendar and Zoom Meeting for enhanced functionality.

# How can I manage customer payments on appointmentletter.com?

The platform facilitates customer payment management as part of its comprehensive appointment solutions.

# How can I cancel my subscription on appointmentletter.com?

Users can manage their subscription settings within their account, and cancellation can be done with a few clicks.

# Can appointmentletter.com be accessed on different devices?

Yes, the platform is designed to be accessible and responsive on various devices, including desktops, tablets, and smartphones.

# What happens during the free trial period?

The free trial allows users to explore the platform's features and functionalities without any commitment.

# Can I schedule recurring appointments on appointmentletter.com?

Yes, the platform supports the scheduling of recurring appointments for added convenience.

# How is appointmentletter.com different from other appointment management platforms?

The platform stands out with its combination of appointment management, file-sharing, and seamless integrations, offering a holistic solution.

# Are there any restrictions on the number of users for my appointmentletter.com account?

 The platform provides flexibility, allowing businesses to choose subscription plans based on their user requirements.

# Can I track the performance of my employees using appointmentletter.com?

The platform's Reports feature enables users to track and analyze employee performance for enhanced management insights.

# What happens if there is a technical issue while using appointmentletter.com?

 Users can reach out to our customer support team for prompt assistance in resolving any technical issues.

# How can I retrieve forgotten login credentials for my appointmentletter.com account?

 Users can use the "Forgot Password" feature on the login page to reset their credentials.

# Is there a limit on the number of appointments I can schedule with appointmentletter.com?

Users can refer to their subscription plan details for information on appointment limits. For Customise Limits please send us email to booking@appointmentletter.com

# Can appointmentletter.com be used for virtual appointments and meetings?

Yes, the platform's seamless integration with Zoom Meeting allows for efficient scheduling of virtual appointments.

# What are the advantages of choosing an annual subscription plan?

The annual subscription plan offers cost savings compared to monthly plans, providing uninterrupted access to the platform.

# Can I switch from a monthly to an annual subscription plan later?

 Yes, users can switch between subscription plans based on their business needs.

# How can I stay updated on the latest features and updates for appointmentletter.com?

 Users can check the platform's website or subscribe to newsletters for information on the latest features, updates, and announcements.